Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Too Many Chiefs not enough Indians

 Honestly, this last project was a communication nightmare.  Overall, I think we did a pretty good job with the time we had.  The project did make me realize that having 7 people when you are starting up a business seems pretty impractical especially when there is not much time to do it:
A)     You’re not going to please everyone.
B)      Not everyone can be a head honcho ( I would use leader here, but leader just because you’re not running the show does not make you a leader)
C)      Not everyone is going to be able to contribute evenly
I believe this project may have gone a lot better in a smaller group.  I run a website with a 2 of my other friends and we have enough problems agreeing and getting together and we are roommates.  Having 7 people come together with different schedules was fairly difficult.  I believe the project served as a good learning experience, but the quality of the work is not so great.  I write this moments before our group is about to present, so who knows, maybe we can still come out on top.  This is Joe Massimo signing off.

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