Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Too Many Chiefs not enough Indians

 Honestly, this last project was a communication nightmare.  Overall, I think we did a pretty good job with the time we had.  The project did make me realize that having 7 people when you are starting up a business seems pretty impractical especially when there is not much time to do it:
A)     You’re not going to please everyone.
B)      Not everyone can be a head honcho ( I would use leader here, but leader just because you’re not running the show does not make you a leader)
C)      Not everyone is going to be able to contribute evenly
I believe this project may have gone a lot better in a smaller group.  I run a website with a 2 of my other friends and we have enough problems agreeing and getting together and we are roommates.  Having 7 people come together with different schedules was fairly difficult.  I believe the project served as a good learning experience, but the quality of the work is not so great.  I write this moments before our group is about to present, so who knows, maybe we can still come out on top.  This is Joe Massimo signing off.

My first college desicion may have been the wrong one

Don’t get me wrong, I pretty happy that I selected mechanical engineering as my major.  I got a nice job lined up. For the most part, I enjoyed what I did.  Honestly, I haven’t really retained any of the knowledge of learned, which is why my chosen job is in Technical Sales and not a straight up mechanical engineering job.  However, if I was forced to do it all again (wouldn’t take much forcing because I love college, greatest time of my life), I would probably would have chosen to be a Computer Science major.
Currently, even though I am in this class, I would not consider myself the entrepreneurship type, I believe creating an app and profiting off it would be pretty cool.  Only reason I say this is because it seems like once a week some new person is getting rich off Apps.  I once programed monopoly into C++ in high school, which makes me feel like I could have done it.  Sadly, it is too late. I am stuck being a Mechanical Engineer, which is not too bad.  I could be a liberal arts major.

Text to Order

Text your order. I, personally, think this would be an awesome idea; however, rumor has it that LionsMenu is coming out with a similar type thing.  Just in time, since I am graduating (that was sarcasms).  I would have been much more inclined to order over the past 5 years if it  was just a text away.  The way lionsmenu.com is right now, sucks in my opinion.  If you have to log in, find what you want on the menu even though you already know what you want.  I just want to be able to text Canyon Wings that I want a Medium Sack of Softies.  Is that too hard to ask? I believe most people when they order from a place know what they want.  Of course this wouldn’t replace Lionsmenu.com because every now and then you will need to look at the menu to decide what you really want.  I am actually pretty curious how they would use this texting system, but once again I won’t be here to see it.  Bastards.  

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sure Hire

In most interviews, people may ask one or two scenery questions.  But wouldn’t it be nice, to actually see how they would perform in the job role before you were to hire them.  That’s where are virtual simulation software comes in.  A company would hire us to set up simulation software where the people they are interviewing would sit down and an answer a series of questions.  Each question, would then affect the next question and so on down the line.  It will be set up much like a tree diagram, each question affecting the next.  The software will incorporate videos into it to give it more of a real life feel.  The person interviewing would have to justify why he chose each one of his answers so the employer can fully understand who they are hiring. 


To me, ethics can be a tricky subject. Of course there are black and white cases, which make up the majority of the ones we talk up in school, like the Ford Pinto, but I am more referring to the non-cut and dry cases. Like the John Q type stuff, or even the kids in the other Engr 407 class who are getting charged for selling those horns. Were they being unethical? In my opinion, no. I just do not agree with the fact that most of the classes here at Penn State that teach ethics use the Ford Pinto type example, and act like ethics is such a simple discussion.